I was going to write about how I think that everyone needs therapy, literally everyone...but I decided that was too melodramatic for tonight.
My favorite part of a roller coaster is the very top right before you fly screaming over the edge. I like the tension and anticipation of the moment. Without the stress of the moment, the soaring over the hill would be worthless. Anticipation. Tension. Stress. Impatience. A tiny bit of fear...healthy fear.
I feel like my family, the boys and Justin, my immediate family, my in-laws, my church family, you name it... is on the verge of a very big change.
The top of the roller coaster, type of changes.
And I am...Anxious. Wound too tight. Biting my nails. Growing impatient. Trying to keep my cool and trust God.
I know that I am needing spiritual growth. I think He is waiting for me to do the growing and then He will dish out the changes.
How to grow? Eat Exercise and Rest...Thanks Brian...
Read my Bible and gee...remember what I read 10 minutes later.
How about utilizing some of the things that I have learned in the past 3 years!
Finally, I need to start taking some time to chill out and rest...not watch TV or play Guitar Hero...I need to do something that actually makes me feel lighter...play with the kids and Justin...I actually think that literally exercising would make me feel a lot better and rest more effectively....
I wonder where God will put us...What are His plans for our little family...Lord, please give Justin direction tonight...Justin...please pray.
I must be more disciplined! So, off of the computer and to the reading I must go!