So, 8 random things about me...I am a relatively open person so beware...
1. I have to rub my feet together to fall asleep. I rub my toes back and forth for as long as it takes...my poor husband.
2. I get on color kicks. They last a while. I am not sure why I do this. In elementary school it was yellow, high school pink, college red, now green...beats me...oh I also associate colors with numbers...7 orange, 9 red, 2 blue...
3. I use ... alot. And I literally find it difficult not to use it. I also say, "ya know what I mean" and "does that make sense" all the time. I am working on it though.
4. After I get out of the shower I always clean my ears and my nose with q-tips...and I love it.
5. I prefer open windows to air conditioning...in the car and at home. Unless it is a million degrees out.
6. When I was in the 6th grade I came into class one day and there were signs on some of the girls desks that said the SH'ers Club. I later found out that it stood for Sunny Hater's Club after I asked if I could join.
7. When I am working really hard (painting, sewing, or cleaning...) I always suck my lips in and bite down on them. Sometimes my lips will hurt at the end of a busy day and I will have teeth indentions on the insides.
8. I love writing utensils that have a super fine point. teeny tiny...
Bonus: My nickname was Butch when I was little...
So, if you haven't done this yet...do it. It is kinda fun actually.
You're a nut! Ha!
So, any news on the baby front? I'm sure you're getting anxious to meet him!
Still truckin' The ladies of the church took me out for a pedicure and Starbucks tonight for my baby shower. It was a blast. So far I am 3 cm dialated and 80% effaced. So I could go anytime!
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