I made this sweet little kimono and pants. I used Creature of Habit tutorial. It went together really easily. I was shocked. I think he likes it. Although, as he clearly displayed in the last photo, he was done with the camera and just wanted Momma to rock him.
I received a $50.00 gift card to Crate and Barrel in the mail. I have never seen anything from there before. A bit pricey it is. I tried to get as much as I could for my money's worth. So today the UPS guy brought some excitement to our house. The kids just liked the packaging mess.
That boy needed a new pillow case. He got blood all over his pillow a few weeks ago. Split his head open, a mirror fell on his head. I didn't hang the mirror correctly and it toppled on his head along with a shelf and a candle holder and a picture frame. And Mother of the Year goes to...
There was an awesome rainbow outside the other day. Justin and I took the boys outside (I toted my camera of course.) We were explaining to Oliver why God made the rainbow. We told him how God gave us the rainbow as a promise not to flood the world ever again. We explained that God had to flood the whole world, plants, animals, and people had to die, because the people were so mean and nasty. Oliver listened and then he told God "Tank-ooo for da main-moe God." Fast forward to yesterday. We are getting home from the laundromat. (No fun, in case you were curious.) Oliver walks out into the front yard. He is just walking around while we are trying to haul everything into the house. I hear him as I walk past to take in the clean clothes. "Hi God." He says as he is looking up as far as he can without falling over. I could have melted. These are the moments that I never want to forget.