Wednesday, March 12, 2008

ranting alert...

First of all... I am not an advocate of prostitution. For the record. I am just trying to make a point.
So, with all this media attention on the NY governor getting caught with a hooker... it just got me thinking. Our society is jacked up. (Yes, that is a technical term.) But seriously, how is it that we, as a human race, have come to the conclusion that it is acceptable to kill an unborn child by means of tearing the baby into shreds and then smashing the skull (because it is typically too large to fit into the suction tube). This is acceptable?! And women are doing this multiple times?! ARGH! This is okay... the mother decides the fate of this unborn child. (The father doesn't even have a say, which I think is a joke, considering without him that child wouldn't exist either.) All of this is common and accepted in our nation. Even if you don't agree with it, most people just take the stance of "Well, I wouldn't do it... But who am I to tell somebody else what to do..." We just keep turning our heads away from the problem. All of this is okay... and the country goes ballistic over a woman and a man consensually having sex. I realize that prostitution may well be a leading cause for the high number of abortions. I don't think that prostitution is morally okay. My point is that we are focused on the drama of this nation and not the real issues. Britney Spears and her escapades are more the focus rather than the abortion genocide or global warming or the fact that there are millions of people dying and going to hell everyday. As a nation, we need to grow up, put on our big girl panties and get to work. Because I sure don't want to leave this mess to my children.


Lisa said...

Probably because he chose to be in the public eye thus he is suppose to be held at a higher standard.
A roll model for todays youth.
I would imagine that is why such the stink.
You are true though on the more important issues being overlooked.

Anonymous said...

I often get frustrated about all this crap as well. The media wants us to focus on what celebrity was caught with who or what than the real issues that people should be worrying about. People make decisions everyday of their life, If this senator wants to sleep around, then that's his choice. Why should Americans worry about that? I just don't get it. I rarely watch the news because what's important isn't there. It's like the media tries to think of ways to put fear in the heart of Americans on a daily basis. They don't want us to speak up for what we believe in. I have made a choice to do so for myself! I applaud that you are doing this as well!

Unknown said...

My thoughts exactly!

Thimbleanna said...

Ooops! Bloglines gave me a peek of a post that you took down -- gosh, I didn't realize you lived so close to me -- well, relatively speaking...I have no idea where your town is, but we're in the same state! ;-)